4 Tools To Drive Conversions From Your Social Traffic

4 Tools to Drive Conversions From Your Social Traffic

Do you want to increase your conversion rate?


Are you looking for tools to help turn traffic into conversions?


Social media can be a powerful tool in conversion rate optimization if used correctly.


In this article you’ll discover four tools to help you optimize social traffic conversions.


tools for driving conversions with social traffic

Discover tools to drive conversions from your social traffic. Image icon from: flaticon.com.

#1: Serve Relevant Content


When users are being routed to your site via social media, it’s important that you don’t lose sight of the reason they’re coming in the first place. Commerce Sciences uses behavioral targeting to track your social following and ensure that your message isn’t lost along the way.


For example, users see a 10% off coupon for your site on Facebook, so they naturally click on the link to check out the deal. If they have to scan through your page to find the deal, you’re likely to lose them.


With Commerce Sciences’ technology, however, you can ensure the coupon is the first thing the social consumer sees on the page.


commerce sciences coupon features

Commerce Sciences enables you to offer a personalized experience to website visitors.


Commerce Sciences treats all of your unique visitors differently. The platform uses different tactics including promos, messages and announcements to gather relevant information on users based on a wide range of targeting characteristics.


For instance, if consumers are searching for a specific product through Google, Commerce Sciences can use keyword recognition to show consumers that exact product when they open the web page. This technology streamlines the conversion process and removes any obstacles.


#2: Guide Traffic


Many companies struggle to maintain social traffic on their website. With the right wording and incentives, it’s not difficult to get people to click on your web page. Where companies really need help, however, is keeping people there.


This is where Toonimo comes in. This tool uses intelligent data to personally interact with your customers to keep them on your page.


Toonimo provides users with an audio-visual experience that guides them through the website. It will engage consumers based on their interactions and show them how to use the site to maximize potential.



“Toonimo’s user guidance platform combines real voice-over scripts and animated graphic elements to walk users through your site, highlight features on the page and deliver personalized messages.”


Toonimo’s User Guidance System uses animated graphics to guide potential customers through your website.

 Suppose that you own a B2B site that provides retailers with wholesale clothing products. A prospective customer comes to your site via Facebook, looking for a specific style of rain boots.


The Toonimo virtual guide greets your prospective customer, and after a brief introduction, directs that person to exactly where she can find what she’s looking for. This process reduces customer service inquiries and increases conversion rates by resolving these inquiries head-on or before they even arise.


#3: Analyze Audience Insights


You already have killer content, and you know people are engaging with it, so why aren’t your conversion rates better? Most likely, you’re not taking advantage of all of the insights your audience has to offer.


Once you’re in tune with your audience’s insights—their online habits, what they’re talking about and who their influencers are—you can grow your network and retain more relevant users.


SocialBro is a Twitter management tool that allows you to take full advantage of the value of insights into your audience. Among SocialBro’s functions—all useful in growing your Twitter network—are analytics that provide you with a thorough analysis of your own audience insights along with your competition’s.


socialbro audience insights

SocialBro provides an analytics report about when your Twitter followers are online.


SocialBro provides several types of analytics reports. The Community Insights report lets you see information about where your audience members are coming from, what they’re tweeting about, their gender and the languages they speak.


Check out the Best Times to Tweet report to find out when to tweet to maximize the chance of your tweets being seen and further engage your audience. According to SocialBro, by changing the times you send your tweets, you could have as much as a 650% improvement in the visibility of any tweet.


The image below shows one of the visuals SocialBro uses to illustrate your Twitter analytics.


socialbro retweet insights

This SocialBro chart provides analytics on your retweets.


The above chart shows how many times your unique tweets are getting retweeted by your Twitter community. On the left, you see the volume of retweets, and the dates are shown at bottom of the chart. The circle size emphasizes the other action the tweet got, such as comments and favorites. The bigger the circle, the more interaction.


By making sure your audience is both relevant and receiving your social media efforts, you can capture their attention and convert them. Tweeting at the right time not only ensures that your audience receives your message, but also makes it more likely they’ll take that extra step to end up on your landing page.


#4: Measure Post Performance


You’re getting conversions on your site, but do you know where they’re coming from? Basic analytics tools may tell you which social media channels are bringing in the most traffic and which ones aren’t pulling their weight.


But why stop there? You have access to more metrics and in-depth data than simply which channels are working best. Measuring your social media results is essential for future efforts and decision-making and to see which factors of your campaign are most effective.


A tool like Crowdbooster can help you understand your stats from multiple social media channels in real time. It provides a clear breakdown of each post with relevant metrics to give you an idea of which tactics provide the most engagement.


crowdbooster social data

Crowdbooster gives you real-time data on your social media posts.


Crowdbooster tells you which posts got the most impressions, the largest reach and so on, according to your metrics.


Additionally, Crowdbooster provides intelligent recommendations for how to optimize less-successful posts, and mechanisms to schedule posts to improve the impressions with better timing.


To get the best conversion results using social media, you have to monitor all of your activities.




Companies that generate more than 1,000 Facebook likes also receive nearly 1,400 website visits a day. What do you do with all of this traffic, and how can you turn it into actual conversions?


Tools like Commerce Sciences, Toonimo, SocialBro and Crowdbooster will help you get the job done and make sure your marketing efforts aren’t falling short.


By Yoav Vilner

via http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/tools-to-drive-conversions-from-social-traffic/

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