5 Facebook Marketing Tips To Grow Your Fan Page

5 Facebook Marketing Tips To Grow Your Fan Page

Creating a Facebook audience from scratch isn’t easy. Some big brands are able to get many Likes quickly due to large leverage in the media through standard Advertising and historical brand recognition.

It is important to understand that leveraging your Facebook page isn’t merely about getting a lot of Likes. Cultivating an audience that is engaged, Loyal and shares should really be your goal if your page is going to affect the bottom line of your Business.

Most people will need to learn how Facebook works and how to grow an audience and increase engagement by understanding the following five factors.

1. Design

The visual aspect will be the first thing people notice and will be an essential part of getting your fans or potential fans to stick around. You need to communicate your brand through your profile image and most importantly, your (851 x 315px) cover photo.

2. Content

Relevant content is essential to your Facebook Marketing strategy. Brainstorm a list of topics that your audience would find interesting, add your ideas to a calendar and post them daily or even weekly and start creating an engaging place for people to visit, learn and share.

3. Engage

Unlike a Website or Blog where many people post and then abandon until their next post or site update, a Fan Page is really taken over by your fans and engagement could occur at any moment. You need to be ready and makes sure respond promptly to comments and messages through your page so fans know that your page is worth engaging with. This way you can build a strong community that will engage with your content, share or take advantage of your promoted services.

4. Promote

You need to have some strategy for getting people to view your Facebook Page, especially when you are just starting to build an audience. The first way to do this would be to advertise on an existing site which has a similar audience or demographic. If you already have a Blog or Website you can tell people to Like your Facebook Page.

If you don’t have Blog or way to promote outside of Facebook there are also Facebook Ads, Promoted posts, Sponsored stories and you can even directly target your current fans with posts encouraging them to spread the word.

5. Measure

Facebook Insights is built right into your Facebook Page dashboard and gives you essential analytics that help you understand your Page engagement and growth. Insights allows you to see how many likes you are getting over time, how much time people are spending on your page and much more. Google Analytics is also an essential tool to track how much traffic your Facebook Page is bringing to your other sites across the web.

by RM Downey

(via http://socialmediatoday.com/rm-downey/779576/5-facebook-marketing-tips-grow-your-fan-page)

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