INFOGRAPHIC: Apigee Explores What Smartphone Users Are Buying Via Mobile
On Thursday, the team at Apigeepublished new research showing that mobile phones are increasingly being used to buy almost everything – including no shortage of items considered to be “embarrassing.”
Apigee explored the opinions of more than 2,000 U.S. mobile device users in a “scientific survey” to discover why America is falling in love with mobile phone shopping.
So what are the biggest turn-ons for mobile users? Here’s what Apigee says are the most popular attributes of mobile shopping:
- You can browse for deals wherever you are – 50%
- Perform price comparisons inside a store – 48%
- Use a mobile device to find a retail store – 40%
- Redeem electronic coupons – 38%
- Secretly shopping without a spouse/significant other knowing – 25%
- Buy embarrassing or personal items without using a work computer – 14%
- Sneak shopping time in at work – 12%
According to consumer feedback through the survey, the items that mobile users are most inclined to purchase are:
- Books – 32%
- Electronics – 31%
- Gift cards – 27%
- DVDs/Blu-ray Discs – 26%
- Clothing – 24%
- Toys – 20%
To learn more about the report from Apigee, check out the infographic below.
By Michael