There Are More iPhones Sold Every Day Than Babies Born

Here’s another perspective on today’s numbers that should knock your socks off: Apple’s iPhone sales surpass the world’s birth rate. Not only has Apple become the top smartphone manufacturer in the world, but there are now more iPhones sold than babies born each day.

The iPhone sold 37.04 million units during the first fiscal quarter of 2012. Since one quarter is exactly 98 days, that equals 377,900 iPhone sold per day. The world’s average birth rate is 371,000 babies per day. While these numbers aren’t something to go by moving forward (the birth rate fluctuates and Apple’s sales usually spike during the holiday season), it’s pretty incredible that there are more iPhones sold than human babies born every day.

During today’s earnings call, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the iPhone 4S was Apple’s best-selling iPhone last quarter. He also noted that Apple is pleased with its “broad range of iPhones,” indicating the continued success of the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. We’re sure that all the Apple-loving newborns out there would agree.


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